Tall Folk

Lara is from a long line of long legs. Jack protrudes from generations of long necks. Together, with their long limbs and swirling harmonies, they are Tall Folk. In winter of 2021, the Ōtepoti-based folk duo released their debut EP Live From Martin's. With stripped-down arrangements, the release highlights what brought them together – a love for songwriting. Then, in early 2022, Tall Folk released its debut full length album Wiser. Hired hands with mastery of pedal steel, fiddle, double bass, and drums enlivened the two’s set of songs.

Ending their multi-year hiatus, Tall Folk are returning to the stage for Auckland Folk Festival. With a pair of guitars and a lot to say, their sound is reminiscent of a Guthrie-inspired young Prince laced with the grace of Gillian Welch. Just a bit taller.


Rain Of Animals


Tess & Jess